I’ve built a dust control system for my small shop using white PVC pipe. But the blast gates I have purchased are made from black ABS. What’s the best glue for gluing these things together?
I’ve built a dust control system for my small shop using white PVC pipe. But the blast gates I have purchased are made from black ABS. What’s the best glue for gluing these things together?
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PVC cement- purple cleaner first then cement.
In the plumbing department you should be able to find one of the can of PVC glue that is labeled to work on ABS also. If you can't find it MEK will work also. Any plumbing supply house will have it too.
Joe Phillips
Plastics pay the bills, Woodworking keeps me sane!
Home Depot has a product for this.
Rather than glue it together, I clamped them together. The white PVC is slightly larger than the blast gate diameter so I made a few kerf cuts with my bandsaw, applied a little duct tape to seal it and clamped them together. It seals great and I can change the configuration around if I need too.
Ditto here. Plus this method provides the added satisfaction of actually using duct tape for what it's for!
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
Edited 4/30/2004 1:28 pm ET by ELCOHOLIC
"Ditto here. Plus this method provides the added satisfaction of actually using duct tape for what it's for!
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking"
LOL...Wow I never thought it that way!! Imagine that... using duct tape the way it was meant to be used!!! Now that's an idea.
Hello Dan
I wouldn't glue them together. You just might have to take it apart again sometime in the future. blast gates get stuck sometimes with saw dust buildup and need to be cleaned in order to work properly. I would clamp them together using a small piece of hose and hose clamp them together.
As far as hose clamps gos use the good ones,stainless steel. (yes that are more $ but its well worth it. they hold and don't bend up under pressure and brake) the best hose clamps I've found are for plumbing drain lines.
But remember, FREE advice is worth exactly what you paid for it! ;-) Good luck!
Sooner or later you'll want to take a section apart for one reason or another. Use a small bead of ordinary RTV sealer. It sticks & seals to both materials yet can be pried apart if needed.
Personally I used a single short sheetmetal screw at each joint, connected by an external ground wire to keep the static buildup in check. I put a bead of removeable "rope caulk" around each joint to seal the hissing.
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