Is Glidden paint not very good or am I doing something wrong. My wife has this old bench that her Dad had built many years ago before he died. She wanted it painted so she could put it at the end of our bed and keep it. So I sanded it, filled all the holes and joints with wood filler and since it was so old and never had any finish on it I primed it with kiltz like I was told to cover any left over stains from body oils. Now that I did all that the paint that she bought is a dark red and I have 4 coats on it and it still looks streaked and the color is not uniform. I ask them at the paint counter and all they said was I needed more coats on it and that one coat should be across the grain to level out the paint lines. This is the first time that I really followed the instructions so the job would be done right and now it is all screwed up. Oh, the other thing the people at the counter said was that the instructions were wrong and I should have tinted the primer. That does make since, but I did not think about it since the instructions did not say anything and since the pain was so dark. So what am I missing here or not understanding. Any help would be great in understanding all this.
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I've never tinted Kilz and have never had a problem like you're describing. However, I have had marks from oily substances bleed through latex Kilz. For example, stains from sunscreen and hairspray bleed through latex Kilz. Using the oil-based Kilz eliminated that.
Red is one of the hardest colors to get good hiding coverage with. Even red mahogany stain can be tricky to apply effectively. At this point, I would lightly sand the bench then paint brown first, and then red over that.
It does help to tint the primer when working with strong base colors like red.
Thanks for the help. Sounds like a good idea. I never would have thought that a dark color would be hard to get coverage over a light color. I always thought it was the oppisite, like white over dark. I will try the brown coat and then the red and see if that works. Thanks again.
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