General International 24″ Drum Sander
I am thinking about buying the General International Double Drum Sander. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any recommendations for other comparable products?
I am thinking about buying the General International Double Drum Sander. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any recommendations for other comparable products?
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About a year ago I purchased the Performax 16/32 and use it for finish sanding only. Does a fine job with 120 & 150 grit. I do not use it for removing large amounts of stock. Basically use it to take out planer marks etc. Very satisfied with the performance. It is not designed for a big production shop but for the one man shop it is just fine. I remove 1/64" or less per pass. The other day I sanded the sides, fronts & backs of 14 drawers, took about 45 minutes using 150 grit. Drawers were 15" wide by 20" deep by 8" high. I'm not familiar with the General. I did look and try out a Grizzly and was not impressed with the machine. Also tried out a Delta and did not like it as well as the Performax.
I've had the Shop Fox 26" double drum sander for a little over three years. I've been very happy with it. If you have any questions about it I would be happy to respond. It can be had for ~$1700 in some areas.
-- Herbert Spencer (1891)
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