I have a General 50-185 Contractor’s Saw. Does anyone know whether the 6 inch Freud Dial-A-Width Dado (SD606) set will fit on my arbor? If not, how about the Super Dado (SD506)?
Frank R.
I have a General 50-185 Contractor’s Saw. Does anyone know whether the 6 inch Freud Dial-A-Width Dado (SD606) set will fit on my arbor? If not, how about the Super Dado (SD506)?
Frank R.
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either should fit fine, I use a 8" super dado on my jet contractors saw.
I'm using a Forest 8" Dado on the same saw with no problems. I don't know if the Freud has anything particular that would prevent it's use.
Does the 50-185 handle the 8 inch dado OK? After reading a series of discussions on Knots, I was going to buy the 6 inch because it was supposed to be less strain on a 2 hp saw.
How Deep/Wide a dado are you planning to cut. I guess it could always become an issue at some point but I've been using my General 185 and occasionally a couple of Powermatics a 3 and 5HP. The Powermatics are certainly more powerful machines and have many other nice features but I can't remember having an issue with the dado on my saw where I needed more HP. Anything lumber that is rough and really large I start on my bandsaw and from that point the power has not been an issue.
I guess the real answer is do you plan to do something unusual (2 in deep 3/4 dado in Ligum Vitae. That might be interesting but anything of a more common nature I can't see it being a problem.
I have used a freud dado (not a dial a width) and wasn't impressed with it. It seemed the cutters were odd sized that is a 1/4 inch dado was not really that close to a 1/4 inch and so on. I changed to a SystiMatic that was available and it was a much closer fit to what I was looking for. May be I just had a bad experience with one Freud or perhaps the freud may cause you problems I don't really know.
I would use it almost exclusively for making cabinets. So, we're looking at 3/4 inch plywood and 3/4 inch face frames.
Just a thought on the dado blades I had problems with the Freud Super dado when I first purchased it because the blades and the chippers had a thick coating of laquer on them. Once I cleaned that off they worked much better. Have had no problems with using a 8" blade on my jet contractors saw.Troy
I had an SD208 that fit fine on my former GI...dunno about the dial-a-width.
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