I’m selling my #1 winter issue of FWW. Best offer by Dec. 17th gets it. This is dumbly listed at Breaktime as a FHB #1 my mistake
I’m selling my #1 winter issue of FWW. Best offer by Dec. 17th gets it. This is dumbly listed at Breaktime as a FHB #1 my mistake
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The price says $2.50
I'll take it.
Well maybe you better wait for some serious collectors to come along.
Shurely that old mag is second-hand and therefore only worth about one dollah now? Also, the sun seems to have faded out the colour. Lastly, one wonders if there will be a useful article in it about a biscuit joiner or even a bevel-up plane - it seems unlikely but you nivver know. :-/
Lataxe, wary of old fetish objects.
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