Hey, I’ve been absent for awhile. I have a question.
I want to apply an oil based stain (Zar) to some qs white oak, then I want to finish the surface with a water based poly. How long on the cure on the stain before I finish? 5 days do it?
Hey, I’ve been absent for awhile. I have a question.
I want to apply an oil based stain (Zar) to some qs white oak, then I want to finish the surface with a water based poly. How long on the cure on the stain before I finish? 5 days do it?
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Read the directions on the can. Dunno about Zar, but I often put poly over 3-day old Watco.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
Everything fits, until you put glue on it.
I tend to read directions and can even read English. The can doesn't say what to do. Even if it did, it would probably assume oil varnish or poly over oil stain. My concern is water poly over oil stain. As I said, the can doesn't say: that's why I'm asking.
I normally wait 24 hours, 48 in humid weather. However I always use shellac (Zinsser's SealCoat) between oil based stain and water based varnish just to be safe. I started doing that after having a problem with the adhesion of my clear coat (sprayed WB acrylic lacquer) on a project. Better safe than sorry I thought.
Yes, I'd forgotten about doing an interface with shellac. Thank you.
The can should say how long it takes to fully cure. If not, like I said, I usually wait 72 hrs. Some advocate longer, but I've never had any problems. A test patch may be a good plan.
Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PAEverything fits, until you put glue on it.
Edit: Just went back to read my prior reply. Didn't mean to be as abrupt as it sounded. ;-(
Edited 10/30/2009 1:20 pm ET by MikeHennessy
It doesn't really say, except like "when dry....". I know the oils need time to cure out to some degree.
If an oil based stain is dry enough for over coating with an oil based clear coat, it's dry enough for a waterborne finish.
I give any oil based pigment stain at least 48 hours before over coating. If over coating with a lacquer finish I give it four days. The thinner/solvent in lacquer can react with oil base finishes.
Thanks. I guess three days or so will be plenty.
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