Frank (Franz) Klausz very early FW magazine Dovetail article

I was a charter subscriber to FineWoodworking when I was in college a LONG time ago. Kept all the issues is a custom case I made. I would lapse at latter years then came back with the unlimited subscription.
I am wracking my now older mind over a very early article that I was sure Frank was then known as Franz and he featured his method to dovetailing. He talked about they would even make shipping crates dovetailed in Hungary and he talked about a bow saw he had in Hungary that had a fold so the front started out down into the end cut the as he progresses used the horizontal to saw out the waste.
Those that did not read this probably are confused.
Anyway any help on which issue this appeared? I searched all of the website and nothing comes up and I find the online old issues to slow to go through.
A wonderful lady at FWW used to publish a masterful index but I can’t find it.
Issue 18.
Thank you! That’s it but not sure where I thought he started out as Franz then changed to Frank ?
But thanks
He does dovetailing with that in a few videos too.
I just discovered the magazine index link very helpful.
Harriet Hodges complained to FWW about their terrible indexing,so they hired her. Tage Frid goes into cutting dovetails with a bowsaw . It's how I did it back when I started. Did many things with a bowsaw actually, pretty much everything I do with a bandsaw before I had a bandsaw. Dovetails once had little to do with being a thing of beauty but a practical solution to structural problems. Metal was costly and dovetails were free. Many old log cabins had floor joist systems fitted with dovetails. Big old nasty looking dovetails and seats hacked out with axes and such but still doing their job hundreds of years later.
YouTube has a far better search engine :
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