Good morning, anyone having any longevity problems with shop light (48 in.) flourescent bulbs. Lately mine last only a couple of months. They are only on about 15 hrs on the weekends. I’ve used all different brands at Ace Hardware, True Value hdwe, Lowes and Depot . Thanx, Nat
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I have a 2 lamp T12 fixture plant light that is on about 7 hours a day. I cannot remember when the last time was that I changed a lamp. The ballast did go out this weekend. I did change the ballast in 1994, I wrote the replacement date on the ballast. The fixture is about 30 years old so I will be upgrading to a T8 fixture today or replacing the ballast and lamp sockets so I can use T8 lamps.
In my workshop I have 12 8' T12 lamps and in the last 32 years I have only replaced 1 or 2 lamps and a couple of ballast.
I have use many different lamp manufactures and have not noticed any differences with longevity.
Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans .
"Life is not a success only journey." Dr. Phil
Edited 12/29/2008 10:29 am ET by JerryPacMan
used to. I switched to GE 5000K (F40T12 Econolux) and haven't had a problem since, Although with the ACE stuff, if they didn't hold up, I didn't have a problem taking them back and they didn't have a problem taking them. I guess they were used to it.
I burn 16 of them 9-11 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. They are on their own circuit.
Same thing with me. Bulbs used to last for years, now they burn out in months. The brand doesn't seem to matter. Could be my ballasts are getting old but the same thing happens with a new fixture. T-8s will probably be in the future.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Yeah I used to replace them so seldom that I would forget if I had any on hand and have to go looking for them. Now in the new house I have about half as many, yet I replace them so often I have run out of them in the case I bought. Some of these tubes did not make it 4 weeks. Now I realise that some of this is the cheep fixtures I have but one of the fixtures is a high end job with electronic balist and such and it is no better then the rest. So something is odd here. In fact is is bad enough that I am thinking of pulling the fixtures out and replacing them with something else (not sure what or I would have done this already.
I have 3 fixtures in the shop, and 6 in the basement and at any given moment at least one of them needs a replacement.
Doug M.
Don't we all just love the global economy. Try to fine good bulbs and fixtures made in the USA. GE Lamp division Ha Ha !! Edison is rolling over in his grave. Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
After doing some research using my friend Google it looks like electronic instant start ballast are the problem. BTW I did replace the ballast in my fixture and now the RFI is messing with my plasma TV. It looks like I will install a rapid start ballast in it's place.
What is the Difference Between Instant Start and Rapid Start Ballast?
Instant Start (IS) ballast require a larger amount of energy to start the lamp than Rapid Start (RS). This can reduce the lamp life by up to 25% if you turn the light on and off quite a bit. However, IS ballast does use less energy than the RS ballast, passing on energy savings to the customer. RS ballast preheat cathodes before turning on the lamp, and more energy is used to keep the cathodes constantly heated. With RS, one gets more lamp life, but less efficiency.
IS ballast are more popular because they are less expensive and have fewer wires for installation. IS ballast are popular with T8 lamps.
Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans .
"Life is not a success only journey." Dr. Phil
The problem some of us are having is with fixtures that worked fine for years, until new bulbs go in. It's the same with brand new fixtures. Cheap ones or nice HD, same thing. Cheap or expensive bulbs, too. This is something new in the last couple of years.Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Thank you all for the input. Looks like I'm not the only one having bulb issues. I guess its the cheap "shop lights",maybe its time to upgrade to real (electrical supply house) fixtures. Nat
Guys, I sell these all day long, we have not seen any difference or uptick in these kind of problems, I would be looking elsewhere for the cause, mismatched ballast will do it.
For you guys looking to upgrade, pass over the T8s and go right to T5 HO, they are far and away the better choice, more light less energy, win win.
I've been having the same problems with the lights in my shop. I was using Phillips and Sylvania bulbs, especially those "eco-friendly" 34 watt thin profile units. I've decided to go back to all GE bulbs since they seem to be lasting longer.
I've got one fixture that has been on for seven years, never turned off. I got others like your's, bulbs constantly going. There are a lot of crap fixtures out there. I'd replace it with an expensive one. The el cheapos aint worth what you pay for them. Garbage.
Yeah you would think that is the issue, but I have one good fixture, and it is not any better then the cheep ones. (as far a bulb life goes)
I think in truth it is a little of both. Cheep fixtures and junk bulbs.
Doug M
I bought a T8 fixture.. Lasted about a week! I threw it in the trash. I could not find bulbs for it at the time. This year, maybe early spring. When I found one, the bulb cost more than the fixture WITH the bulb!
I purchased 3 fluorescent fixtures with bulbs from Lowe's for $12 each 3 years ago. The bulbs are still working. Go figure.
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