What is the best finish to use on Bloodwood? I am using this wood for small boxes 4″H x 6″ D x 11″W to be used in a kitchen environment. My preference is a finish that preserves the wood natural color.
What is the best finish to use on Bloodwood? I am using this wood for small boxes 4″H x 6″ D x 11″W to be used in a kitchen environment. My preference is a finish that preserves the wood natural color.
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You should consider using a spray lacquer from a aerosol can. Behlen has a line that can be purchased from Homestead Finishing products as well as Woodworkers Supply
The wood will change color over time so don't be surprised.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'm on the road.
Thankyou I had not thought of lacque in spay can form. Keeps it simple
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