I watched the “Efficient Garage Workshop” video last night and awoke in the wee hours realizing that the fan in the exhaust box was not mentioned to be explosion proof. I was taught that this was essential. There may be an air filter but there would still be volatile fumes…depending on what you used of course. The sparks from the motor could ignite.
I hear used furnace fans are good for this.
Any comments?
Hi Phoebe,
I'll see if I can Anatole to weigh in on this. Otherwise I'll toss it to our finishing guru Peter Gedrys.
Thanks for the question,
Gina, FineWoodworking.com
The fan in the box is indeed an explosion-proof fan. But the whole setup is not explosion-proof. I use only water-based finishes.
A true-explosion proof ventilation system requires that many things in the surrounding area -- lights, switches, etc., be equipped with proper explosion-proof connections. It's a very strict set of rules that govern how this is set up, and fairly expensive to do right.
Thanks -
I would hate for folks to see the video and think that any fan-in-a-box worked for fumes.
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