In the 70s I was working in <!—-><!—-> <!—->Philadelphia<!—-><!—-> on string instruments and in the shop we had a type of French polish that was very light and gave a brilliant shine on the instruments. From memory it was called “Fin Oil” and I think it came from “Woodcraft Supply”. Does anyone know about this polish?
braw ,
Try a search for Daly's Sea Fin Teak Oil , it may be what you are thinking of .
good luck dusty
I seem to recall the brand "Penofin" - don't know if that's what you mean.
Steve , No I think it is a different product all together .
Thanks for the replies. I looked through a Woodcraft catalogue from 2004 and found a finishing product called “HUT Crystal Coat”. This seems to be very simular to what I remember as “Fin Oil”. I never used it in a lathe but to get the shine took a lot of elbow grease. Has anybody used “HUT Crystal Coat” by hand and if so what were the results.Neil
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