I want to start on my next prjoect that inlcudes making cabinet doors that will be breath-taking using figured maple panels. The design is more contemporary and I want to use flat panels. I coud glue up some hard figured maple boards. But since the design is flat panel, I want to use plywood.
Does anyone have any sources for a plywood dealer that carries figured maple plywood. I live in the Indianapolis area. I tried all my usual plywood and wood sources here. I hoping to find a company that can ship to me.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Make your own panels using veneer. You can find absolutely spectacular figured maple in any variety of "styles" (birdseye, quilted, fiddleback, spalted etc...) Veneering your own also gives you the opportunity to bookmatch, or do something else interesting with the pattern. If you can find figured plywood, it will most likely be a rather bland figure, and quite expensive.
You can try rosebud veneers, or b&b hardwoods. Both of these outfits are very nice to deal with, and a simple phone call will get you exactly what you want, and usually in the quantity that you need.
Good luck
I use JSO, check them on the web under veneer sales. To give you an idea of what they can do I have an order in right now for figured, slip matched South American Chechem mounted to 4x8 sheets of specialty plywood (MDF, hardwood veneer core) with the grain running across the sheets. To which the rep replied O.K. I'll send you pics of the veneers tomorrow.
You could have them mount the veneers to panels sized for your doors (over size so you can trim) and save a bunch on shipping. Expect to pay $200 for a half sheet with shipping.
Glueing up is cheeper for cabinet grade lumber, but it is hard to get the super premium figure in solid wood.
Pardon my spelling,
Make sure that your next project is beyond your skill and requires tools you don't have. You won't regret it.
What size panels, and how many?
If you don't have your own vacuum press, you may find someone here that is willing to help - Depending on the specs I might even be able to give you a hand with it.
Thanks to all who responded/ The info was great.
I looked into JSO--they will be a resource that use in the future.
For this project, I am going to make my own. I have not veneered before....but I always wanted to. This will be a fun project.
thanks again,
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