feedback on off-brand Fein blades
I see these off-brand blades for the Fein Multimaster, and wondered how they compare to Fein blades? thanks rob
I see these off-brand blades for the Fein Multimaster, and wondered how they compare to Fein blades? thanks rob
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I used some Dremel blades for cutting some door trim during a tiling project. They worked fine, though have hardly been stressed for longevity. But, boy was there a price advantage, especially since the local sources of FEIN brand had them only packed multiples.
what other brands will fit the Fein? I thought their mounting holes were unique, so hadn't looked at any other. Good news.
It seems that quite a few off brands are out there.Imperial is one i keep seeing pop up, and good prices.They advertise to be used for multimaster etc.I have yet to try the off brands.Be cautious however, regarding the diff. among the diff. fein hole configurations.At $26 a pop for a throw away blade,i'm glad i have some options. thanks rob
I have tried putting a "Rockwell blade" on the Fein multimaster and it will probably work for a very short period of time. The "star" pattern on the Rockwell has very fine and small teeth and I feel that they will wear out very quickly. My 2cents.
As to purchasing Fein blades. sells them as singles, 3 or 10 packs.
Not sure. My old, original Fein saw blades have hit stone and still work! Yes they are expensive. I have the older Fein without the 'star' blade holder and maybe the blade just gave up and moved off of the stone object?
Sears Nextec blades will fit but aren't as good as Fein. But at 1/4 the cost, I don't care!
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