Any tips for where I could find kits or body blanks for an electric guitar? Preferably a Les Paul copy?
Any tips for where I could find kits or body blanks for an electric guitar? Preferably a Les Paul copy?
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Did a google search and found a bazillion hits. Here is one of them. Can't say if they are any good or not. You can also do a search on "Luthier". That is someone who makes instruments. Good luck. Post a pic when you make it.
Edited 11/17/2004 7:02 pm ET by bones
Check out this link:
They have been selling what you are looking for, for a good while.
Edited 11/17/2004 8:57 pm ET by Ed from Mississippi
The guy who owns the company is a picker.
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
They'll have everything you could want or need.
Dan Kornfeld, Owner/President - Odyssey Wood Design, Inc.
Absolutely, Also, luthier's merchantile international, (note there are 2 i's.)
Thanks very much for your help. I'm sure I'll be able to find what I need.
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