DIY today.. Had Lee tool on COOL TOOLS..
Yes I watch DIY.. OK so I have alot of spare time..
I just thought they stepped up a bit showing Lee’s tools!
Yes I watch DIY.. OK so I have alot of spare time..
I just thought they stepped up a bit showing Lee’s tools!
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Wish I got DIY! My wife, er... and I, made the decision to carry only the local broadcast channels with our cable package. Her reasoning, er... our reasoning is that there is way too much trash on TV and she, er... we don't want it in the house, especially for our kids sake. Good thing she, er... they haven't discovered the Canadian channels we get -- especially late at night.
Check with your cable provider - you may be able to add a single channel like DIY.
Yeah, we checked -- no can do. Of course we can subscribe to one of their package deals that gets us what we want, (and what we don't want) but they won't let you add single channels -- technical details, subscription rights, blah, blah blah. The cable service provider for our area used to be Adelphia but they went bust and were bought out by Time Warner. Time Warner absolutely sucks -- the most unreliable service I've ever experienced (internet speed dropped, too). Routinely I consider my options: satellite, Verizon, (no big fan of theirs, either) etc. Probably, we'll sit pat and just grumble...
Hey bud, don't feel too bad about it. I got 250 channels, and some days, there's not a damn thing on worth watching. You, too, can have all this for only $90 a month!
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