Can anyone tell me the height of the stand? The dimensions are on DeWalt’s website but it doesn’t say which is which. Appreciate your help.
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Well off had if I recall it is basically sq and taller then it is either other way. So if you have A by A by B then B should be the height and the others the width/depth. If you need more I can take a measure when I get home this evening. All I really remember is that it is to low. I am 6'5 but my dad is around 6ft (well he was I think he is a bit shorter now) and even he thought it was to low to work on comfortably. Always bending over while holding the wood, not good. So we built a raised box with draw to sit on the stand and the planer is on that. I think we ended up raising it about 6 inches.
Anyway hope this helps and if not let me know and I will try and get you the sizes tonight.
Hi Doug, If you could measure the height of your stand and let me know, I would appreciate it.
I will try and do so this evening.
Ok the dims I have are 30" tall and 24 deep (front to back the direction of travel of the planer boards) and 21 wide.
I will caution that the 24 and 21 may be flipped (or not) as I do not recall if I put the planer back on the stand in the factory direction when i built the raised platform for it. As I think the thing is just to d!@# low. (I built a box with a drawer out of 2X6s.)
I am making mine to match the height of my tablesaw to be used as an outfeed table extension to the wings on the DW735. You might want to consider setting the height to match a convenient possible outfeed surface in your woodshop.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Dimensions are normally LXWXH
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