Hi there, this is my first time online. So far I’ve just observed. I finally got a new Delta 6 inch jointer and a 12 1/2 inch Delta planer last year which I’ve been really happy with. Now it’s time to upgrade my tablesaw. I’ve got a 28 year old 9 inch Rockwell Beaver (since new) which has seen me through many a project. I’ve looked at the Rigid TS3650 but don’t like the stand. Then I saw the Delta Hybrid 36-655 which HD has on for $899 (Cdn). They will throw in th Delta 34-184 tennoning jig and there is a send in offer for a free Delta 1 HP dust collector ( only $30 S&H). This sounds like a great deal to me but there isn’t a whole lot of information about the Delta 36-655 out there. What do you think?
Edited 10/17/2005 2:50 pm ET by backwoodswally
I have the TS3650 and the stand is nice and solid. The cast-iron extension wings help stabilize the whole thing.
I've heard others talk about using large flat washers to strenghten the stand which seems like a bother on a new machine. Most likely the sway I saw at HD was due to their crappy setup of the saws. I'm still really interested in knowing more about theDelta though.
I would agree with you about the setup of the saws at Home Depot. I've seen the display models there and it was obvious that whomever assembled it knew nothing about table saws. Like the kid at Kmart who puts the bicycles together.I put mine together and it's pretty solid for a contractor's saw. You just have to be sure to adjust the leveling feet so that it doesn't rock. I've found it's easier to do this without the built-in mobile base. Sometimes the leveling feet want to drag on the ground while your wheeling the thing around. I'm thinking about replacing the mobile base with a better aftermarket one like a Delta or HTC.Toolfanatic (a.k.a. The man formerly known as "Toolfreak")
To the best of my knowledge, the 36-655 was mainly available in Canada and was a predecessor to the American versions 36-715, 716, 717. It looks a great deal like the American versions, but the fence looks more like what's available on the Craftsman 22114. These Delta saws are rumored to come from Orion who makes the new Craftsman hybrids, which have been very well received. You might get more info from Canadianwoodworking.com. There were quite a few owners there who seemed happy with it. http://canadianwoodworking.com/
In general there are several advantages to a hybrid design. Better DC, smaller footprint, shorter belt (lower vibration), and these examples all use a serpentine style belt. I also found my 22124 to be more stable than my contractor saw. The deal you described sounds super to me.
Here's a link to the owners manual of the 36-655:
Thanks for the info. I guess the fact that the 36-655 is the Canadian version of the Delta hybrid is why the only thing I can find on the Delta website about it is the owners manual in pdf.
Hey Wally: Wondering how your tablesaw search ended. HD has a very similar offer even now. I too own a Canadian made Rockwell-Beaver 9" from new which is hmmmmm.... about 25 years old. I upgraded with a Baldor 1 1/2 hp sealed motor and built a Bismeyer style fence from electrical unistrut and aluminum channel taken from the pages of FWW several years ago. I can cut to about 42" to the right of the blade and my slidng box jigs make other tasks reliable. My dado set is HSS and refuses to cut a flat bottom or spinter free. Maybe I should just upgrade the dado set and take the extra cash to Mazatlan. What do you think?
Anyone remember the issue number where the Hybrids were reviewed? Can't seem to put my hand on the article.
I've had my new Delta Hybrid saw since November 2005 and I love it. It has a lot more power than my old saw, the rip capacity is higher, 30" to the right and 24" to the left. and the fence is about 1000% better than my old Rockwell/Beaver -measure to front and back of blade then gently tap the fence into position. Now I Just set it and cut and every piece is square & true. ialso got the 1HP dust collector and gthe tennoning jig as part of the deal and have found both very useful. the DC especially saves me a lot of grief in the cleanup department.
I hadn't done the extensive upgrades to my old Rockwell/Beaver that you have. Sounds like all you really need is a new dado set.
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