I am planning on buying a bench-top mortiser. Does anyone have the Powermatic? Is it worth the extra $$.
I am planning on buying a bench-top mortiser. Does anyone have the Powermatic? Is it worth the extra $$.
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I can't answer your question but wanted to point out that on the FWW web site there is a 5 minute video review of mortisers (https://www.finewoodworking.com/subscription/ToolGuide/ToolGuideArticle.aspx?id=5209), a companion article (https://www.finewoodworking.com/ToolGuide/ToolGuidePDF.aspx?id=2816) and a tool's review (https://www.finewoodworking.com/ToolGuide/ToolGuideProduct.aspx?id=5723)
Perhaps you've already looked at these but since I could not tell I figured I should mention them.
There's more than one Powermatic benchtop mortiser -- are you referring to the PM701? It's the new model, but non-tilt. The two features that I really like, reading this review, are the tooless adjustments and the roller hold-ins for the stock. My Steel City has those rollers, and it's one of the things that tipped the scales in favor of that model a few years ago. If ~$400 isn't too big of a bite for you, I'd say go for it.
Like previous comment, don't know what Powermatic you are looking at, or compared to what. Mine is maybe/probably not the one you are looking at, but here's what I can tell you, though:
When I first got started, I got the Delta benchtop - don't remember the model #, but the current 14-651 (@ $300 or so) looks the same.
After a year or so, I gave it away (to a friend that is a high school shop teacher, for his classroom - otherwise would have sold it - wasn't so desprate to get rid of it that I just tossed it - good friend, and the kids made good use of it so I was happier that way than with the $$).
In its place I got the Powermatic 719A - non-tilt model, discontinued I think, and replace by the 719T. No comparison, not even close. Much much heavier-duty, much more precise, table adjustments are terriffic, etc, etc. The only item I would change would be the hold-down - mine has a fron-mounted worm gear that pushes the part against the back fince - sometimes I clamp a block(s) of wood on top. THis is not a big deal, IMO. Also, it weighs a LOT. Don't use the cabinet/base - I have in on my back bench, and never even bothered to anchor it. Had it - oh - I guess 8-9 years.
I understand that these are not really even in the same weapons class, but I did not understand a lot of stuff when I got started (not that that has changed much). You get what you pay for, and I got my money's worth - every penny. ALSO - you get what you pay for on the HM chisels as well. I only have experience with Fisch @ mabye $50 each. I sure there are other HM chisels out there that are just as good, and even better, but no experience - others should chime in here - I'd be interested in that
Late addition: I see the Powermatic 719 is about $1,150 now - IIRC, mine was $950 or so. I would make the same decision again.
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