I have two questions about making cutting boards I made one in shop class 30 years ago but its a memory thing. I am using all scrap from other projects ie maple. I need to make 5 boards and was thinking of mixing the maple with cherry.
1 Can I use cherry
2 What type of finish
I've been using maple and cherry with some walnut and purpleheart for accent strips. Haven't had any customer complaints yet.
I like the mineral oil finish. Been getting Wood Oil from WalMart.
Nice straight grained hard maple works well. I would suggest you look at a product made by Clapham's called Beeswax Salad Bowl Finish. It gaves a very nice finish suitable for cutting boards without any possibility of being overdone, i.e. to much oil. It is available from Lee valley.
Many years ago, I made a 2" thick cutting board for the "Big Boss"as a way to say thank you for his support and help on a project.
It was in the shape of an old American Flag with the 13 Colonies' stars. The white stripes were Maple. The red stripes were Cherry. The background of the "stars" was Walnut (didn't have Purple Heart) and the "stars" were from 3/4" diameter Maple dowel rod.
Finishing it with mineral oil and giving him some written guidelines about when to repeat the mineral oil and to keep it OUT of the dishwasher went on an attached string tag. It really lasted.
Try an advanced search for cutting board - there have been a number of discussions on them here and in Cooks Talk
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