I am looking for a riser block for my 14″ craftsman bandsaw but can not find a kit specifically for craftsman, any advice?
I am looking for a riser block for my 14″ craftsman bandsaw but can not find a kit specifically for craftsman, any advice?
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You've tried Sears?
John W.
no luck at sears, nothing online and the local salesperson gave me a crazy look.
What model?? Pictures may help too.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
I am working out of town right now will post the model number next week if you are still willing to help
The Sears saw I googled up looks like it has a steel tubular frame, If it's that one you can forget it.
There is always someone here on knots willing to help, don't worry.Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
thanks for your help, wish I would have put more thought into my purchase two years ago.
Not being able to see your bandsaw but I would be curious to know if the Delta riser block might fit or modified? If I'm not mistaken they have been used on non Delta saws in the past.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
The 14" Craftsman, if it has a cast iron frame, is probably a Delta clone made in Asia and the riser kit for almost any similar Asian saw, from Jet, Ridgid, or Grizzly is likely to fit. The kits for the Delta saws, which until recently were U.S. made , aren't likely to fit the Asian made saws because of slight dimensional differences.John White
I bought mine from a company called Rexon. I think they are an aftermarket dealer in Sears parts.
They can be reached at: (800) 843-1682
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