Having lots of Asphaltum based paint used in plane restoration setting around, I have started using it to coat lots of my hand tools. Cast iron clamps, wrenches, pipe used for pipe clamps, etc. Works great and makes the tools look new! Since everything rusts in this part of the country, I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I use an artists oil brush to apply it, then set the objects in the sun for a couple of days. It makes a very hard and durable coating.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
where does one aquire such a coating called asphaltum?
**William (Bill) Gustafson Antiques Phone: (518) 392-2845 email: [email protected]
Black Japanning @ $10.00 / 8oz. + shipping paid in advance of shipping.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_KatyPlaneWood
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