I am interested in making a set of cafe or saloon type doors for a customer. Anyone know of any plans or drawings available in a mission or arts and craft style?
I am interested in making a set of cafe or saloon type doors for a customer. Anyone know of any plans or drawings available in a mission or arts and craft style?
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They're basically just a raised panel door about the size of a typical cabinet door. I'd look at furniture in the style you need and just pick something that looks good, possibly something with an interesting detail to the top profile.
John W.
Thanks John W.
Hi Corvette,
These are also referred to as batwing doors.
Here's a link with a couple of them pictured:
The one on the left looks a little missiony...
I really appreciate the follow-up. I seem to be striking out on this one, but your recommendation looks promising.
Thank You,
Did you say 'missiony'?
I think maybe 'stickleyish' or maybe 'artsncraftsian'"She wrote a long letter, on a short piece of paper." Traveling Wilburys
Yes. I claim poetic license.
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