I’m looking for the correct clearance distance of a kitchen cabinet over a gas burning stove?
I’m looking for the correct clearance distance of a kitchen cabinet over a gas burning stove?
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The stove literature installation instructions usually gives the clearances. If you don't ahve it look online at the Manufactures website. I don't know if there are local or state codes but there probabaly are. Chances are the Manufactures specs fall within those guidelines.
Many thanks..............Jim
30 " from the cooktop to flammable surface overhead .
36" CT ht
66" from floor to top of standard hood ,
leaves 24" under hood
Check the local codes to be sure
hope this helps
Thank you very much. As you suggested, I'll will check local code as well.
I think you really have to check range to range. Some of the commercial types that find their way into a lot of homes these days have higher clearance requirements or allow no wood cabinets above - typically get a range hood.
One Viking I looked at had a 42" requirement. Most manufacturers websites contain the installation guidelines for their products.
Good luck,
Thanks again Frank. Wii take it all into consideration before installing.
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