I’m in a process of sobstituting the windows of my old house (which I’m restoring). I want to keep the sashes, which are in good shape so I need to fabricate the frame. I have many books but all deal with new window installation. Is there any good book on windows and, possibly, door fabrication? Anything on old windows?
Thank you
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The only book that comes to mind is: WORKING WINDOWS, A guide to the Repair & Restoration of Wood Windows' by Terence Meany. Published by Lyons Press in 1998. (Lyons Press 31 West 21 St., NYC, NY 10010) $ 14.95. I don't know if it will answer ALL of your questions, but it is a good start on your search.
Thank you for your answer. I'm interested in rebuilding the framing and casing as close as possible to how they were built in the late 1700/early 1800 here in New England. The windows that I'm changeing are a replacement done abouth 100 years ago.
Thank you all.
Thank you for youe message. I do not have the possibility (scanner) of posting any picture. In any case the windows are gone and for the moment only a tyvek housewrap is in their place. Do you know of the use of dowels to instal the casing of windows? I have an entrance door whose casing was secured with square dowels into the posts.
Best regards
I think Roy Underhill did a piece on windows in one of his books. Most of them are readily available at local libraries. He explained not only how to get them done, but explained how a sash can be dated by the size of the parts. It was interesting reading, but again, I am not sure which of his books it was in.
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