Anyone out there know where I can source bookend base plates?
Anyone out there know where I can source bookend base plates?
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A lumber yard. What am I missing here?
I just realized my question never appeared in the posting, just the heading. I could have sworn I , oh never mind I can't remember what I was writing. Sorry all.
Can you be more specific? Do you want more weight? Lead shot in a hollow base works well. You cold also attach a piece of steel plate with felt to the bottom of your bookends.
Yes, steel plate with felt or something of that nature. I remember finding some outfit that sold bookend kits and actually was selling the steel base plates however all they have now are the kits. I usually make bookends from off cuts and the like and give them to friends and family. Sorry about the brevity.
Roofing supply houses carry sheet lead, that's what I used.I glue the sheet lead to a recess bottom with cyclonate glue ( super glue). Sometimes to a bottom, no recess and felt covering the lead.
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