Have a small very nice table and plan to do a book matched veneer top to replace the old veneer. Never done veneer work before. Do any of you know of a woodworking article on the subject? or can anyone e-mail an article or at least an opinion?
Thanks Jigsaw john
In case you haven't noticed, you're on a website that has precisely that kind of content. Why don't you join and enjoy the many, many articles available on veneering for immediate PDF download, or simply pick a few from the site and buy them on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Click on the Techniques tab and prepare to be delighted.
I have been a reader for the last 23 years and looked in the index and only found a referenced to an article in mag. 137 pg 24 which refers to a book for sale.
I am not a computer type guy but if you can help i will try to find what you refer to.
74 different 'content items' (articles and videos) can be found at this link:http://www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/SkillsAndTechniques/SkillsAndTechniquesDirectory.aspx?dir=Veneering+and+Inlay
Edited 1/14/2009 5:11 pm ET by TaunTonMacoute
Thanks much helpJigSawJohn
44986.3 in reply to 44986.2
I have been a reader for the last 23 years and looked in the index and only found a referenced to an article in mag. 137 pg 24 which refers to a book for sale.
I am not a computer type guy but if you can help i will try to find what you refer to.
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