As a beginner, I’m going to but a table saw and would like comments about the comparisons of right and left tilt blades. I’m right-handed and have not formed any habits to make one or the other preferable right now. Any suggestions?
As a beginner, I’m going to but a table saw and would like comments about the comparisons of right and left tilt blades. I’m right-handed and have not formed any habits to make one or the other preferable right now. Any suggestions?
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Hi Cory,
Your question should get mucho responses. Generally speaking, I think a left tilt saw works best if you contemplate making bevel cuts. Most tablesaws favor the right side of the blade and as such, when making bevel cuts, they put the left tilt of the blade away from the fence. This is MUCH SAFER!
Whatever you decide, make sure that the blade tilts away from the fence system, NOT towards it.
For overall safety, look for the left-tilt blade.
A right-tilt blade can create a real nice trap (between the blade and the fence) for a hunk of sawn-off wood that might easily become a massive missile aimed right at you.
The majority of benchtop, job site and contractor saws (along with ... uhhhh ... "stuff" by Ryobi) are right tilt.
-- Steve
Enjoy life & do well by it;
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