Everyone, Does anyone know the best location to place an air filter (I have the JDS model) is it in the middle of the room, around the sides, in a corner, or a high dust area?
Thanks for your input, Lou
Everyone, Does anyone know the best location to place an air filter (I have the JDS model) is it in the middle of the room, around the sides, in a corner, or a high dust area?
Thanks for your input, Lou
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I read somewhere that in the smaller home shop the air cleaner is to be located in the middle of the shop's longer outside wall.
Morning Lou...
I have my Jet mounted dead center of my main shop which is 24' x 26'. If I had an extremely long shop or extremely large one for that matter and were to rely on just one cleaner, I would probably center it where the main dust makers were situated unless they were scattered all over that area. If so.. back to center shop.
BTW.. I don't have a scientific leg to stand on with that approach.. it just makes common sense to me to put it where it would seem to do the most good. Perhaps one of the "air filter locating engineers" could weigh in and make us smarter. :>) ha.. ha... ha..ha..ha..
Sarge.. jt
Hey Lou,
My shop (16' x 20') is considerably smaller than yours. I have mine perched atop two 2/6's about 6' above the dust makers which are in an island configuration(TS w/Router in side ext. table, BS, jointer). The RAS, chopsaw have their own collection via a large ShopVac.
I turn on the top mounted air filter to medium when I come into the shop to get the air circulating, then set it on low and leave it running all the time I'm in the shop. It keeps the air circulating constantly and seems to work quite well. Sort of like a ceiling fan will do.
A remote is necessary in this config.
Hope this helps,
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 5/17/2007 10:46 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
No scientific basis here either, but I looked at where my worst dust-producers sat (table saw, bandsaw), where I stand in relationship to them, and placed the air filter where the intake would draw the air away from my body, and where the outflow would actually flow -- not slam into a wall, or go straight into my lumber rack and mess with the wood.
Think of it as a fan, and put it where it will best circulate the air. In a long narrow shop, center it lengthwise, blowing the long way, but perhaps to one side widthwise. Ideally it is just downwind of the biggest dust producer. If you have two of them (or one cleaner and one fan) they should be pointed in opposite directions to circulate the air.
A timer to keep it going for an hour or so after you leave the shop is also useful.
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