I am considering purchasing a Veritas twin screw end vise (the one that uses a chain to maintain even pressure). Can anyone provide feedback positive/negative regarding this vise. Any advice would be helpful.
I am considering purchasing a Veritas twin screw end vise (the one that uses a chain to maintain even pressure). Can anyone provide feedback positive/negative regarding this vise. Any advice would be helpful.
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I do not have any experience with the Veritas, but looked carefully at all the options about two months ago when I purchased the vises on my workbench. I do like the look of the Veritas, and the concept of accomodating odd shaped items is appealing, however, in my case, putting it on the end didn't make as much sense and on the front it would interfere with a draw I wanted to include under the table top.
According to 'Bob's Workbench' they can be a bit tricky to install.
I have one installed on my bench, it does allright but I'm not sure I"d buy another one. The chain can be somewhat cranky and tends to stretch with time. The adjustment pin enabling one to equalize both sides tends to slip. The biggest drawback is that to use it as a tailvise is very slow. I' d recommend you just get 2 record metal vises and mount them side by side to accomplish the same thing. The quick release feature allowing you to open them quickly is a real asset and is well worth considering. Good luck.
I have it and am quite pleased with it. They are not kidding when they say to follow the instructions step by step. It is great for clamping out of square stock.
Good Luck
I have a bench that I installed a twin-screw Veritas vice onto several years ago, and it works very well but is a bit slow to move. Installation needs to be very precise. When I bought mine they didn't have the aluminum cover they sell with the vice now, so instead of using the plastic one I formed a wooden cover and routed out channels for the chain inside. It looks quite nice. I also have a Tucker vice on the front which I really like, and use a lot more than the twin-screw.
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