I’m currently using a 6″ bench grinder for general shop use and for sharpening my lathe turning chisels. Have been considering buying a belt grinder (I think they’re sometimes referred to as a strip sander). The model I’m looking at uses the 1″ X 42″ belts, avail. in various grits, with the belt running vertical up from the workbench top. I realize I would get a flat grind instead of a hollow grind. Has anyone had success using these? Any info on problems or brands recommended is appreciated. Thanks gp
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Hi gp,
I use a Delta model on my lathe tools and I find it to work at least as well, actually better, than the grinder wheel I have, a grey one, not the white one I should have to avoid burning the edge. An upgrade on that will happen soon, but since I had the belt sander I didn't set a high priority on the white wheel. One big advantage for the belt unit is the ability to change the grit quickly and easily.
Flat vrs hollow grind doesn't make a lot of difference in actual use at the lathe. The belt units aren't all that expensive, so give it a try. I think you'll like it.
I use my Jet 1x42 belt grinder to sharpen all sorts of tools, seems to run cooler than a grinding stone, and doesnt over heat the steel and turn it blue as fast as a grinding stone does, althou if your not careful you can over heat the metal.. check out the 1x42 grinders-Grizzly,Delta,Jet and a few other companys have them...
I have been using a 1x42 belt grinder for years and I love it. It's superior to the bench grinder for general shop use, but I still go the bench grinder for precision grinding. Where it really shines is in removing a lot of metal fast, as in re-shaping the bevel on a bowl gouge. After rough-shaping the bevel on a 40-grit zirconia belt, I switch to the bench grinder for the final hollow grind, then to the diamond stone for final honing. I find that I have better control with the bench grinder. The belt grinder does run cooler though, as long as the belt is fresh and sharp.
Mine looks like the one in the Enco catalog for $99 (it was rebuilt from a box of parts salvaged from a metal shop, for free). Also take a look at Lee Valley's 1x30. You supply your own motor, and it's only around $60.
Thanks to all, I'm about convinced to order one. Rick, where do you get the zirconia belts? gp
Klingspor has 'em.
GP -
I have a home made vertical belt sander (2"x44") with a guide bed. That is all I use for my lathe chisels. Mine are all scraper chisels, except for one.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
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