I’m looking for a source for gallon cans of denatured alcohol for mixing shellac. I have been using Behlen’s Behkol and would like to purchase another if possible.
Does anyone know of a source for this? All I have found are 1 quart cans and I’d prefer the 1 gallon size.
These folks have gallons.
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Denis Diderot
Thank you, sir! Just what I needed. Saw that Woodcraft sells a quart of Hock DA for only $17.50. The Behlen Behkol GALLON goes for $23.09. No problem figuring out which I will be buying.I appreciate the help very much.Phillip
My local Lowes has gallon cans of denatured alcohol, which I've used for various things -- no complaints.
I will check that out today. Last time I checked either HD or Lowe's, neither carried DA.Thanks for that suggestion.
I suspect that whether or not the big boxes carry DA is a very local thing.For what it's worth, it was located on the same section of shelves that had the paint thinner, lacquer thinner, and such.
Politics is the antithesis of problem solving.
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