I live in the United Kingdom and i have purchased a new Startrite 401s 14 inch bandsaw with ceramic guides
The machine is made for Startrite in Italy
I think the Bandsaw is a variant of the Delta 14 inch bandsaw
Can anyone please provide any additional information/comments
regards Charnwood
Sorry; I don't have your saw so can't help you. I will say I think ceramic guides are the way to go for wider blades and that I really like my Laguna with ceramic guides.
I for one would like to see a pic of the guides on your saw just out of curiosity. If possible.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
I will put a shout out to Richard Jones, I'm pretty sure he can help out here.
Well, Richard answered me in another thread, he doesn't know. Sorry!
Richard's reply is a bit ambiguous. Charnwood is the OP's name -- and also the name of a bandsaw manufacturer situated coincidentally in the same neck of the woods -- Leicestershire. OP asked about the Startrite, which is a different manufacturer, selling in the US as Clausing Startrite. The UK website doesn't show any new 14" vertical machines, and the US ones don't look like Deltas to me.
I'm not sure why he didn't post in this thread. Might be weary of me calling on him when a other-side-of-the-pond member posts a question.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I Googled Startrite 401s and found this: http://www.startrite.co.uk/.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
I have looked on the Internet for a Startrite 401s and it does not look at all like my Delta 14", looks like a very nice bandsaw just does not look at all like the cast iron Delta or any of the Delta 14" clones that I've seen. Here is a pic of the Delta that you speak of and the Startrite that I find when I Google it. If you have something else please post a picture of it would be interested to see what you have.
Thank you for all the replies.
(1) I live in Quorn a small village population 6600.The village is 2 miles from Loughborough in the borough of Charnwood and on the edge of the National forest.
(2)Charnwood is my screen name and there is a woodwork tool supplier situated about 10 miles away in Coalville ,with the same name(Charnwood) but no connection. I think their machinery is made in the Far East and they are a supplier not a manufacturer
Interestingly Startrite are also based in Coalaville but it is a separate company from the woodwork company and only sells metal cutting bandsaws.The metal cutting side of the business was sold off by Record Power the parent company and the manufacture of woodcutting bandsaws was moved from the UK. to Italy.
INFORMATION ON MY STATRITE 401s can be found at http://www.recordpower.co.uk/startrite_catalogue.pdf
The introduction section to bandsaws specifies the features common to all of the bandsaws and as you scan through additional features of other models are indicated in the relevant sections
If you scroll past the 401s the larger specification bandsaws show moore detailed pictures of the ceramic guides.
When I was first scanning the Internet for Startrite bandsaws I discovered several sites had pictures of what was supposed to be a 401s but which was another product from within the range ( the picture posted earlier in the discussion by another member is not the 401s ,the start and stop buttons are different in design to the actual product).Further some web sites gave a bandsaw speed which was incorrect
It would therefore seem wise to always obtain or view the manufacturers catalogue before making a purchase
Again I would be interested to gain the views/comments of members on the pictures /specification given in the web link above
regards Charnwood
Edited 8/3/2009 4:46 am by charnwood123
Edited 8/3/2009 4:50 am by charnwood123
Edited 8/3/2009 4:54 am by charnwood123
Thanks for the info on your band saw, in my previous post you can see a picture of my 14" Delta which is not the same style of saw as the Startrite, the 14" Delta has a cast iron frame where the Startrite has a welded steel frame which is typical on most European band saws. Now as for if this is a good saw or not I cannot say for sure as I have never been around one, this saw would be more comparable in size and design to a 16" Laguna or one of the many others that are out there, reading the specs it looks like it should be a good product, it has a 3hp motor which should give you plenty of power for resawing, as for the ceramic guides I have heard good reviews on them. I guess you will just have to make some sawdust and give us your review on the saw, maybe someone else from the UK will be able to give you a little more info on your purchase.
I own a Delta, and the Startrite has superior specs, though I haven't seen one and am unlikely to. It has more power and height. The ceramic guides look good, though I've never had a problem with conventional guides properly set up. The big selling point of the Delta over the Asian clones used to be the beefy cast trunnions, which the Startrite also has. I like the rack and pinion table angle adjustment, which is a big improvement over the Delta which slips over time. The above table access through the insert is another improvement. Assuming that quality control is good, I'd be happy to own one.
Thank you to those members who have replied to my post
After looking at the PDF I would say you have a fine bandsaw and are all set to do some serious wood working ! ! !What is not to like ! Hook it up to some good dust extraction and there will be no stopping you. My saw is almost over powered at 2 hp ( even in the hardest of woods at max resaw hight ) so if you are getting an actual 3 hp for the 400 mm depth of cut you have plenty of power as well.Please keep in touch and show us what you are cutting with it and making.rocGive me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
Thank you for taking the time to reply
regards Charnwood
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