Am trying to locate a source for Baltic Birch Plywood in 4′ x 8′ x 1/2″. Any help would be appreciated. Apple ply would be fine as well as I understand that both are comparable in stiffness and strength.
Thanks for your help.
Am trying to locate a source for Baltic Birch Plywood in 4′ x 8′ x 1/2″. Any help would be appreciated. Apple ply would be fine as well as I understand that both are comparable in stiffness and strength.
Thanks for your help.
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I just bought 33 sheets of the stuff for a current project I am working on. I had to special order the 4x8 through a local supplier here in Halifax, NS. It cost me $42.67 a sheet Canadian.
Scott C. Frankland
Scott's WOODWORKING Website
"He who has the most tools may not win the race of life but he will sure make his wife look like a good catch when she goes to move on."
Thank you for your reply. Thanks to you and others I believe that I now have located a source for this product.
God bless you and thanks again,
Most of the baltic birch sheets I have seen are 5' x 5'.
I don't know where you are Phillip, but Boulter Plywood has everything and they ship.
Thanks for your response. I live in Oak Park, IL. I have searched the internet but cannot seem to find any prices where I have looked. I will certainly give your source a call. I am in the process of building a router tenon/mortiser and believe that I need the stiffness that this product provides. Thank you again for your time and information.
Owl Hardwood in DesPlaines has a great selection of Baltic Birch Ply in thicknesses from 1/8 to 1" in 1/8" increments. However, they sell it in 5x5 sheets, but will cut it, if necessary, to fit in your vehicle.
If you've not been there, it is about 5 minutes from O'Hare. Many other interesting lumber species and plywoods / MDF laminates as well. Average prices... I think a full sheet of BB ply was around $35.
This is GREAT NEWS! I just moved to Oak Park in December from New Mexico so am not familiar at all about places to buy quality wood much less BB plywood. I will definitely get their address and go over there - probably tomorrow.
Thank you very much. This will save shipping costs plus let me get acquainted with some of the local lumber dealers.
Thanks again.
Do you know of any woodworking organizations in the Oak Park or surrounding Chicago areas? I think this would be great.
I read the message from Dark Magneto. I will be going to either Owl store tomorrow.
Take care.
Thanks for all your help. I went to the Owl in Lombard Saturday morning and bought a 5'x5' sheet of 1/2 inch BB plywood. They sure have a great selection of lumber.
I really appreciate the time you took to email me. You helped me solve my problem.
Take care,
That's great. I have received so much incredible help from the people on this site. Am glad to be able to contribute back in some small way.
Have never been to the Lombard store - only to the one by Ohare. Will have to visit some time.
Just out of curiosity, how much was the 12mm BB?
Owl lumber where I purchased this sheet of 5'x5' Baltic Birch plywood had it listed as 1/2 inch. I just measured it with a metric ruler and it is truly 12 mm and not 1/2 inch. However, I can live with that.
I paid $34.50 plus tax which came to $36.83. I did have to drive 13 miles to get there which is not bad at all and was a nice drive at that. All things considered I believe that this was less expensive than having it shipped from Boulter Plywood in MA. or elsewhere.
Hope this helps. Are you in the Chicago area?
Take care,
It sounds like you are setting yourself up to pay a premium to get 4 x 8 sheets of baltic birch, when the standard 5x5 sheets might work.
I don't know why they are a different size (it is even inches, not metric), but I have seen numerous sources of 5x5, none of which carried baltic birch in 4x8 sheets________________________Charlie Plesums Austin, Texas
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have found out that you can purchase 5'x5' sheets but as it turns out I will be needing more than that to finish my project. In addition, two 5'x5' sheets will cost more than one 4'x8' sheet. That's the way it goes sometimes.
Thanks again.
I have purchased 4x8 sheets of Baltic Birch Plywood from Owl Hardwoods in Des Plaines. They also have another store on St. Charles Rd. in Lombard that I think is closer to Oak Park. Just shoot out West on the Eisenhower (290).
Check out their website and have them fax you a price list!
Dark Magneto
Dark Magneto-
Had never seen a 4x8 BB sheet at Owl, but am glad to know that they either stock it or can get it. All of the BB ply I had seen was in 5x5 or some pre-cut variation off of the 5x5. I do like Owl as they stock some great and somewhat unique products , like 4x8 quartersawn oak ply. Didn't realize they had a place in Lombard. Is it better than the DesPlaines store?
Both Owl stores are really the same. They stock the same stuff. Come to think of it, I have never seent he BB Ply "out" in the floor space, but if you call ahead and order it or just go there and ask for it they will get you what you need.
I can't remember the exact price of a sheet but if you give them a call they can fax you a price list.
Dark Magneto
Thank you for the information. My plans are to go to either Owl store tomorrow. I have not checked out their web site but will as soon as I shoot off this message.
This is off the subject, but do know if there are any woodworking organizations, clubs, or whatever in the Oak Park or surrounding areas? It would be nice to get to know other woodworkers. This would be very advantageous for many reasons.
Thanks again.
When you go to Owl, I know that they do have some "literature" or "hand-outs" near the counter. Check out those...I do believe that there are some clubs that have material there at the store.
I do know of the DuPage County Woodworkers club. They meet at the College of DuPage once a month. You can visit their website at:
College of DuPage is not too far from Oak Park, but you may want to look for some other clubs that may be closer.
Did you attend the Wood Working show at the Odeum last weekend? Usually there are TONS of clubs that attend and give away literature.
Dark Magneto
Dark Magneto,
I went to Owl Lumber in Lombard before I read your email so I missed the handouts at the counter.
They sure have a great variety of lumber, but I was bothered by the fact that each piece of lumber was pre-priced. I'm not saying that that is wrong - it's great actually - I would just like to see the cost per board foot for comparison purposes. The place where I used to purchase my hardwoods in El Paso only had rough cut lumber so I am not used to seeing so much great wood completely surfaced on all sides ready to go. Guess I just want to get the biggest bang for my buck or at least try to. Anyway I did leave with a 5'x5' sheet of 1/2 inch BB plywood which is what I have been needing for my project.
No I did not make it to the woodworking show last weekend. I did not even know about it. I was in Ann Arbor, MI at a hugh antique show. I was looking for old, wooden moulding planes and found a gentleman who had lots of them. I bought a nice one for only $28.
Anyway, thanks to you, Robbie and the Knots Forum, I found what I needed.
Take care,
As far as I know, true Baltic Birch or Russian Birch is manufactured only in metric dimensions. The 5'x5' is really more like 150 or 160 centimeters. The thicknesses are metric dimensions only.
A couple of years ago, some US supplied contracted with a Russian firm to manufacture true 4'x8' sheets but these were still metric thicknesses.
The only hi-ply plywood that is manufactured in US dimensions is Applply. It's maple face plies and some other hardwood core plies.
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