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My lumber yard can’t seem to find a local source for baltic birch ply. Any one out there know of a supplier in the southern tier NY/ northern PA area. I am in Elmira NY an hour drive would be OK if I could get the stuff. Thanx |
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
Mr. T,
I used to drive past all those Kilns around Owego, I wonder if they would stock any Baltic birch...probably not...
ask them to search their hardwood plywood vendors they should have 5x5 baltic brich plywood available. If not there, talk to cabinet makers/shops they will have wholesalers that sell them sheet goods, and they should have baltic birch . You might buy from then instead of lumber yard.
If all else fails, Check with boulterplywood.com in Somerville MA. They have any kind of ply you would want and ship anywhere. I found them on the net while looking for Baltic birch ply and or appleply. You can also search for a supplier near you at woodfinder.com. That's how I found Boulter.
I was over at Boulter last week...tons of ply and the birch ply in 60x60" sheet is by the front door...5 hour drive from Elmira
Glad to hear that you got to Boulter. I have been away so have not gotten there yet, but will have to soon as I am ready to build drawers for a shop cabinte I'm building.
Hope you got what you needed. That's quite a drive for you.
I re-read my post and I think I'm guilty of giving the wrong impression. Boulter is about 6-7 miles from me so it's real easy to pop over there and wander a while. They are a great source for all sorts of ply. I have not tried their hardwoods yet...I usually end up in NH at Highland Hardwoods because the price is very good and the service very friendly. Recently, I bought about 30 board feet of ASH...Rockler on sale $8.00/bd. ft....Woodcraft $5.50/bd ft but they did not charge for the unusable portion....Highland $3.05/bd ft.
I used to visit over in Owego, NY and always wanted to stop at the kilms...
Good luck with those draws.
Edited 5/25/2003 5:04:10 AM ET by BG
Where are you?
Sounds to me like your in Vermont.
I use Butler Lumber in WHite River Junction and they stock Baltic.
I'm near the intersection of routes 93 and 128 (AKA 93 and 95)..Reading, Stoneham. White River Junction is about 2 hours drive from here.....worth it though...nice area to go exploring.
Boulter is in Sommerville, Mass...
Edited 5/25/2003 7:23:32 AM ET by BG
I'm in So. Londonderry, VT.
About 1.5 hrs from White River, and about an hour from Keene.
I misread things in my haste. I did think you were coming from Elmira.
I live about 8 or 10 miles from boulter.
Where is Highland Lumber? I'm not far from New Hampshire.
Are you aware of Righteous Woods on 1A in Rowley MA? I found them in my searches for wood. They have been accommodating on email, but I have not visited there either - yet. They have a big selection of exotic woods pictures of which you can see on their web page: http://www.righteouswoods.net/woodmenu.html
Highland hardwoods is on route 125 I think in Brentwood, NH. I catch 125 off of 495 and go north about 25 miles (have never measured). you could go 93 to Manchester and take 101 across but that is longer. Near there is Brentwood Machine that carries great big old machines. Both of these have web pages
A fabulous place is Anderson-McQuaid over in Cambridge/Arlington near the end of route 2 (Fresh Pond).
I go up to Rowley quite frequently to Todd Farm on Sunday mornings....got some great/good brass pulls and tools up there. I go past a hardwood floor supplier on route 1A but I have not seen a sign that says 'Righteous'...
Thanks for the info on highland hardwoods and the machine place.
I am aware of Anderson McQuaid but have never been there either. My son who is a carpenter and used to work here told me about it. He said they had a great selection of exotic cut offs for good prices.
I told yu wrong. Righteous Hardwoods is on Rt. 1 in Rowley not 1A. 288 Newbury Turnpike is the address on the web site.
Have you looked at their site yet? They have a bunch of photos of some of the burls etc. they have. They also stock plywood which is how I discovered them in my web search for vendors of ply. Woodfinders.com was the site I used to locate suppliers.
I did take a look at 'Righteous' web page, very nice stuff. I may take a ride up there today just to get out of the basement for a while. It won't be open but you have me curious as to its location.
There is another plywood supplier that people mention up in NH over near Nashua...but i have not been able to attach a name or an exact location. It's supposed to have very good prices ...
Happy Memorial Day
Good luck finding Righteous. The Highland Hardwoods site is nice and they seem to be very customer oriented. I'll have to take a ride up there soon.
You hav a good (wet) holiday too.
I've been working in the basement all weekend making sawdust...so the rain wasen't too bad. My son and I took a ride up route 1 and, while I was not looking hard, no signs for Righteous poped out either....oh well, I checkthe addy and have another look next weekend....sure was wet, cold and generally disagreeable out there today.
Woodland Specialties in Syracuse usually stocks it but has been out for awhile. 800-875-2141. They deliever as far as Trumansburg (Ithaca area) so maybe they'll come to Elmira.
Thanks phil,
My parents live in Syracuse, so I figured at the worst I could do a roadtrip find it up there.
I went to woodfinder.com and the closest place was about 45minutes south of Scranton PA!!??
Oh well I got some more local contacts Im gonna check out and if they don't pan out It's off to see grandma and grandpa!!Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
I live near Harrisburg, PA. Where was it that you found a source 45 mins south of Scranton?
Alan -- planesaw
Hazelton PAMr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
I live 15 miles down the road from you. Croft Lumber in Sayre can order it for you but does not stock it. Would think one of the yards in Elmira - Robinsons maybe - would have it or could easily get it.
Pittsford Lumber in Rochester carries Baltic Birch ply. (585) 586-1877.
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