Many antique writing boxes have secret compartments and I’ve decided I want one in my writing box I’m about to build but have only the slightest idea as how to do so. I was hoping someone had encountered a similar problem and figured it out. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Ryan
One approach is laid out in Doug Stowe's Box Making, a Taunton book. I've recently seen a cool mechanism in a small writing desk, though I can't remember where. I'll post again if it comes to me.
EDIT: The writing desk (and a chest of drawers) is diagrammed in another Taunton book: Furniture & Cabinet Construction, by Andy Rae.
Hope this helps!
Edited 1/23/2006 3:56 am by John_D
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.
Thanks, Ryan
There is a book titled Antique Boxes, tea caddies, & Society 1700-1880 by Antigone Clarke & Joseph O'Kelly ( ISBN0-7643-1688-5) that has several examples of writing boxes with secret compartments. While not a "how to" book it would provide some inspiration. The book is not cheap at $90.00, but I've recently become interested in period boxes after making a tea chest.
Rob Millard
Thanks for the help this article will help with some other aspects.
I was just watching the Antiques Road Show from Houston, Texas, and it featured an English writing box, with several secret compartments. While it was a very quick look, it was interesting.
Rob Millard
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