A local body and fender shop is charging $38.00 / hr for their labor!!!!!!!!!
Do professional woodworkers have skill levels comparable to body and fender people???
(16 yr old girl next door backed into my daughters car)
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
The answer is clearly, yes. But if you think $38 per hour is high, it's not, IMO. This must cover wages, overhead, profit, and a number of other things. This isn't what the individual pounding on the fender is getting paid.
The problem is that if you spend 100 hours on a piece of furniture, and you want to charge, let's say, $62 per hour (labor, profit, yada, yada), you'd have to charge $6200 for the piece. And that's not necessarily making a high wage even for a one man shop. Taking away shop cost, material cost, insurance, etc., you're probably talking about $45 per hour. That's about $90K per year. High? In no way.
The problem is that lots of folks gag when they hear high prices for nice furniture. Then they run to Ikea or Thomasville ...
Mike I charge $65.00 and up!
I think we have more skills.
Jeff in so cal
73 f---33%
Jeff im in SoCal to where you located ? Im in fullerton
At Darkworks Customer satisfaction Job One..Yea yea were all over it , I ll have it done by next Tuesday Oh yea I need another draw.........
I'm not the same Jeff who previously posted to this thread. However, I will be visiting in Fullerton soon and would like to ask you some questions regarding the area. And, I don't want to hijack this thread to do so. Can we correspond via email, or perhaps discuss in the Cafe?
Jeff (in AK)
[email protected]
Hi Ron
I live in Chino Hills. My shop is in Santa Ana, the old Austin Hardwoods building on Main St. (for now?)
My son lives in Fullerton
Jeff in so cal
66 f---41%
Jeff -
It's 10:44 pm, Tuesday, and the dry bulb temp is 48 and the wet bulb temp is 44.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_KatyPlaneWood
Edited 2/4/2003 11:46:43 PM ET by PlaneWood
Personally I'd feel a lot better paying a craftsman a decent hourly rate than the outrageous sums of money that all of us are giving to company executives and professional athletes. Now there are some people in the trades that don't deserve to be paid well, and there are some executives that do deserve what they earn.
It seems that a lot of trades people settle for less than they're worth, which is a shame because there are millions of people out there earning 6 and 7 figure incomes that are too stupid to even swing a hammer. Some people are shocked to hear that a woodworker would charge $50/ hr, and yet they have no problem spending a few hundred bucks on tickets for tonights game. Something's not right here.
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