Can anyone tell me a place to get ammonia for fuming? I’m building 3 chest in white oak and want an authentic arts-and-craft finish. The only place I found wanted $90. to ship me 1 gallon. I live in Sequim Washington.
Can anyone tell me a place to get ammonia for fuming? I’m building 3 chest in white oak and want an authentic arts-and-craft finish. The only place I found wanted $90. to ship me 1 gallon. I live in Sequim Washington.
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Ace hardware stores reportedly carry a "janitorial strength" ammonia. You can fume with with household ammonia. It will take longer but still accomplish the job.
Yes they do and It's a 10% solution.Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
I got mine from a commercial blueprinting/copy company. They had "spent" ammonia that was no longer able to be used for their printing process. It was plenty strong for fuming (nasty stuff - recommend protection if you use it). But they were happy to have me take away a 5 gal bottle. It will probably last me decades.
Not sure if any still use the material, but check around your area.
Have you tried a chemical supply in Seattle? Ask for ammonium hydroxide. I've found that it's not worth my time and effort to fume with household ammonia or even "janitorial".
Remember, when you put your project in the tent the humidity will go up near 100%. If you leave parts in that atmosphere for a long time you could have issues when you assemble. (I fume everything in pieces, it makes for easier finishing.)
Good luck.
I called Van Waters & Rodgers in Kent 50 gallon drums only. All World Scientific Supply in Monroe can get me 1 gallon for $ 41. + $ 45. shipping to Sequim. I will be over to West Seattle for the old tool show on the 8th. All World will be closed.
But Thanks, I think I will give up on Fuming for now.
What are you fuming? Is it something large, like a book case, or small like a picture frame?
If it's small go ahead and try the household or janitorial stuff. Use some scrap white oak first to see if it works for you.
I didn't mean to discourage you from trying. Perhaps when you go to Seattle sometime you can pick up a gallon. I've kept opened gallons, tightly capped, for a couple of years with no degradation.
We fumers seem to be few and far between these days. I hope you don't quit our fraternity.
Best regards,
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