Any body seen any for sale lately, and if so, where.
If not, what would be the best best substitute for it considering grain, color, and abilty to accept stain without doing custom color coloring/matching?
Any body seen any for sale lately, and if so, where.
If not, what would be the best best substitute for it considering grain, color, and abilty to accept stain without doing custom color coloring/matching?
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Living here in the land of Alder (Puget Sound, for those who are wondering) I've yet to see a burl on one of those trees. I've checked two major veneer marketers, and did not see "Alder Burl." Hmmmmmmm. Didn't quite understand the end of your post. Are you trying to match something already built?
You might want to give the Edensaw place in South Seattle a call and ask them. That's the veneer portion of Edensaw's business (cool place, if you ever get a chance to visit).
PS: Whatever happened to that dust collector? I sent you an (admittedly late) email but never heard back.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
I have seen alder burl veneer sold once and I can't seem to remember where...Did see a guy not to far from me selling small alder burl slabs (turning size)on Ebay. I have considered using mapa burl, but color is the problem. The alder burl would make buiding the cabinetry for the house a little easier when it come to staining the cabinets. All one color, no shading to match, etc.
Now, as to the dust collector, I still have it but I haven't had time to do anything but try to stay focused on getting our home done. I've got an extra vacuum pump to unload too. Until then, they just sit in the corner, collecting dust. Still have to finish the canoe too, and start another. Maybe a bigger one this time. The wife doesn't want to be in her own. What she really wants is to go for the ride without the work.
Ahhhh, now I understand (about the alder). If you haven't already checked at Edensaw, give them a call. They are a big veneer outfit and seem to moi to be an excellent possibility.
re: the dc, watch your mail, I'll drop you a note.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
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