After-market knives for DeWalt planer?

Hi gang. Does anyone have experience with and/or recomendations for after-market knives for a DeWalt 733 12.5″ planer? This is the model with knives you can sharpen, not the disposable ones. The OEM knives seem to get nicked up with even very careful use – disappointing. Thanks.
I've had good luck with CMT planer knives, I would need the dimensions to be able to tell you if they have your size.
Yes, I'm having the same problem with my Dewalt planer blades as well. I bought this same planer when it first came out,and then didn't use it for six months only to find out that those who had were experiencing problems with their blades. I discovered this by going on the site and reading the reviews of those who had purchased and used this planer. My blades dulled only after a few feet of planing when I hit my first knot. I understand it's not good practice to be planing any knot's for more reasons than one, but then I wouldn't expect a good quality blade to dull to the point that it's rendered unusable after planning only one good sized knot either. I would also be interested in hearing from any one else who thinks they have found a solution to this problem.
R/C & Brownman,
I'm not sure if I have a fix, but here's what I do on my Dewalt 733. I have my local sharpening service put a 20 degree back bevel on each knife - about 1/16 wide. I read about it in a book about double bevel sharpening. I plane a lot of curly maple and regular maple, like glass with no tear-out. I can't speak for softwoods or other hardwoods, but it is supposed to work wonders with exotics as well. The soft maple I use for the cabinets I build always has knots in it, and eventually I get minute nicks in the blades, but they are easy to sand out. Not like the nicks I used to get before. The plus to the double bevel sharpening is you leave the blade thicker at the cutting point, so it is less likely to chip a piece off when you hit a knot. I send my blades to a local place for sharpening, but I know Forrest will do this type of sharpening as well, if you can't find a local guy. I'm not sure how this would work with other planers, you might have to adjust the angle to get it right. Good luck,
Of course, I read this reply right after I returned 45 miles from town with a freshly sharpened set of planer knives! Sounds like a good idea - next time.
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