In a post in the gallery, Hempstalk has a bubinga stereo cabinet that’s attracted a lot of “oh wow” responses. And rightly so. Among other things, he’s used a southern hemisphere variety of abalone shell called paua as a strikingly effective inlay material (I tried to link to the photo but couldn’t get it to work – you’ll have to go look yourselves).
Paua is high fashion in the Pacific, and especially in New Zealand , where I’m based. I have been experimenting with it, and it looks just gorgeous. Anything with paua sells, and it never fails to attract attention. It’s been a bit kitsh in the past, but new uses and new designer interest has seen some great products come onto the market, and every kiwi, young or old, wants some!
I’ve got no connection to them, nor any commercial interests, but for those of you in the north who fancy trying some paua, can I point you to a kiwi supplier. Go to The product is superb, and just look at the prices – 300 by 300 mm (that’s 12 inches by 12 inches) of 0.5mm laminate for $NZ60 retail ($NZ39 ex factory). In $US that’s about $20 per square foot!
Try it – you’ll love it.
Edited 7/15/2003 4:14:29 AM ET by kiwimac
Thanks for that info, I've often wondered were to get that stuff.
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