It has been a long since I have been at KNOTS. I am back– to lurk mostly. But I do have a question. I am looking for all and any info on a 0557B stanley plane. When was it made. Is it crap or is it a quality tool. Thanks gang.
It has been a long since I have been at KNOTS. I am back– to lurk mostly. But I do have a question. I am looking for all and any info on a 0557B stanley plane. When was it made. Is it crap or is it a quality tool. Thanks gang.
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Bruno, I cannot find this one on Patrick Leach's page or through google search.
Is 0557B the right number?
Steve Pippins
I have been to Patrick's website too and could not find any info. Tonight I will double check the number I have and try again.
Try this link
Your number sounds like a casting # off one of the planes parts.
"Close enough for government work=measured with a micrometer, marked with chalk and cut with an axe"
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