I have about 150 bd ft. of bass wood. 1″ thick rough cut. random lengths and width. I know basswood is used for carving but can I use it for small cabinets and boxes?
Thanks Sidecutter
I have about 150 bd ft. of bass wood. 1″ thick rough cut. random lengths and width. I know basswood is used for carving but can I use it for small cabinets and boxes?
Thanks Sidecutter
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Sure, but they'll smell sort of fishy. ;-)
Seriously, I'd think you could use it for any application for which the characteristics of the wood (primarily straight, even grain) are appropriate.
Thanx I am going to make a small hanging corner cabinet with it and see how it looks . rabbits and dados and bridle joints for the doors.
It's the wood of choice for small boxes that are going to be chip-carved. Craft stores sell it in small pieces, boxes or kits at inflated prices.
I've seen basswood (also called linden or linwood) used as secondary wood, wherever you'd use poplar it ought to be just fine.
When I built my house in 1980 I made all the interior trims and panel doors out of a 350 bf pile of 8/4 basswood I bought directly from the mill. The wood was in the rough and air dried. I also made 2 single beds for my daughters. All have been finished with satin polyurethane. The trims you see on the pictures are also made out of basswood.
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those pictures look very nice. You have convinced me that bass wood is not just for carving. I have the oppertunity to aquire another couple hundred bd ft. for about $1.00 a bd ft. Im going to grab it. Its air dried to about 13% , Ill bring it into the shop for a couple of months before using, I have a dehumidifier set to 50% in the shop. hopefully it will be all right. Thanks to everyone , What else has anyone built out of basswood?
I use it for drawer sides when I can't get relatively clear poplar. It is much softer and you have to be a bit more cautious hand-cutting DT's and especially chopping them out. But... if you do it again is very clear and very light which is two things I prefer in drawer sides along with the fact it is super cheap in my area.
Makes great vise jaw liners. I never understood people using maple etc to line the steel vise jaws. I use soft bass wood and it conforms and grips and doesn't mark up the work. Well that takes care of a board foot or so of it any way : )
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