Can anyone tell me why my carbon monoxide detector goes off when I use shellac? It doesn’t go off when I use any other finish.
Can anyone tell me why my carbon monoxide detector goes off when I use shellac? It doesn’t go off when I use any other finish.
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I have no idea but it is mentioned in this link.
See: Will exposure to other household gases or vapors cause the CO alarm to sound a false alarm?
Just like one of several smoke detectors I have. One is near a bathroom. My granddaughter takes looooooooooooooooong hot showers. When it goes off she knows it is time to get out cus' I'll be running to tell her ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Edited 9/9/2008 8:00 pm by WillGeorge
Thanks, perhaps it's the alcohol. I guess I'm not afraid, just curious!
I guess I'm not afraid, just curious!
Be afraid! Carbon Monoxide KILLS! Just posted for the information.
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