Question – Arts & Craft’s Side Chair
Years ago I started making a chair scaled from a picture in a book. I got busy with other projects and never finished it. I have all the pieces cut and joints made. I have a pattern I drew up of the inlays on the 3 splats. I’ll try and describe as best I can. They are each about 12 inches long. The center is a little more fancy than the two side splats. The top looks like a woman’s symbol inside of an upside down heart, in front of a circle. The bottom looks like some sort of Asian design. I think I remember the inlays being puter and maybe brass? The seat is weave reeds, if I remember correctly. I have searched many books and can’t find that exact chair anymore. If anyone knows the name of it and especially the name of the book I can find it in, I would really appreciate it. Hi, by the way. My name is Moe and I’m a furniture maker and carpenter.
There is a book by Robert W Lang, called Shop Drawings for Craftsman Inlays & Hardware, Cambium Press, ISBN 1-892836-20-3, that could be of help to you. It should be in your library if you want to check it out, and it's about $20 if you want your own. The author does contribute here so may be along soon with more specific information.
One source for the book is:
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