Good Afternoon,
There was an article in Fine Woodworking about caning and it mentioned prewoven cane. Does anybody know what issue that was? Looked through my collection and couldn’t find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Good Afternoon,
There was an article in Fine Woodworking about caning and it mentioned prewoven cane. Does anybody know what issue that was? Looked through my collection and couldn’t find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Is there something in particular you need to know about using pre woven cane ? I have been working with cane for 30 years or so , and would be happy to share any info I can .
FWIW, I've bought prewoven cane from Van Dyk Restorers.
Alan & Lynette Mikkelsen, Mountain View Farm, est. 1934, Gardens & Fine Woodworking, St. Ignatius, MT
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