Anyone know anything about Meber bandsaws? am looking at a used 28″ Meber 700. Its 15-20 yrs old. Has this saw changed over the years or just cosmetic stuff?
Anyone know anything about Meber bandsaws? am looking at a used 28″ Meber 700. Its 15-20 yrs old. Has this saw changed over the years or just cosmetic stuff?
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I have a Meber 16-inch that was sold by Laguna. I got it new about eight years ago. It's OK, but the table has a shallow, metric slot for the miter guage and won't accept a US type. Also, it uses metric fasteners. The motor is good. If the present owner can tell you about it, it's probably a good deal as long as you can live with the metric stuff. I never heard any bad news about Meber in general.
As I live in Canada I deal with metric and standard stuff all the time. Most cars and trucks here have both types. Not a drawback in my mind. Not that you change bolts very often.
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