Besides a real quick and easy mixture of MDF sawdust and glue, is there a better material to fill holes in an MDF panel?
Senor Dorado
Besides a real quick and easy mixture of MDF sawdust and glue, is there a better material to fill holes in an MDF panel?
Senor Dorado
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I've used Bondo as well as the faster drying seam filler. Read the directions carefully on Bondo...toxic. Whatever works is fair game.
Thanks to all that replied. Since the panels are to be painted white with an under coat of an oil based primer, I'm thinking the dry wall compound would be the better choice. I'm just not sure how bondo would accept the paint. Any advice or words of experience would be appreciated. Senor Dorado
Bondo accepts paint very well.
If the areas you are filling are not deep (1/8 inch or less) Elmers carpenters filler works well but needs several hours to dry.
If you have spray equipment I'd use M.L. Campbell's Magnamax finish. It's a pre-catalized laquer that works beautifully on MDF. I just refinished a set of kitchen cabinets doors and drawer fronts and they turned out really well. You might want to check out M.L. Campbell's website.
Any commercial drywall compound.
David Ring
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