I’m looking for a firm that retails small pieces of Holly. I’m located in central NH.
I’m looking for a firm that retails small pieces of Holly. I’m located in central NH.
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What size of Holly are you looking for? I have some small (cutoffs and under 12") 8/4 pieces.
Thanks, but I'm looking for at least 24".
I noticed the other day that the Woodcraft store in Columbus OH has a couple of pretty good sized holly boards. You might be able to arrange a "remote" purchase and shipping arrangement with one of the Knotheads in the Columbus area. (I could do it, but I only get up to Columbus about once a month or so, so you'd have to wait.)
Do an eBay search on "American holly" and you'll find a variety of small pieces available.
Check out http://www.woodfinder.com It's a good resource for locating wood, sometimes from places you didn't know were out there.
I am pretty sure Mcbeth hardwoods in the peoples republic of Berkeley Califorina has it I think they ship. I know it's a long way from you but hope that helps.
Good luck
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