Can anyone tell me what to use and how to remove the old lacquer or varnish finish BUT NOT damage the paint beneath it. I’m restoring an old pinball machine. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Can anyone tell me what to use and how to remove the old lacquer or varnish finish BUT NOT damage the paint beneath it. I’m restoring an old pinball machine. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
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You need a stripper and work VERY quickly and in small areas. I have removed new paint over old "good" paint this way. It should take very little time to lift the clear finish. You might even try using the stripper dipped in steel wool and wiped over the surface. Open out your steel wool pad so it is flat and thin. Immediately after wiping with the stripper and removing the varnish wipe with mineral spirits to remove any remnants of stripper. Have everything ready when you begin--and as I say, work fast and small.
What machine is it? I'd love to have a Fireball.
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
There was a time when I could play fireball for free after the first quarter. There was one little kid who was better at fireball. Long, long ago, upstairs in a record paraphernalia store.
hehe... anyone else have The Who's Pinball Wizard running thru the back of your mind as you read that post? <G>
I also agree with GRETCHEN regarding technique, however first try removing the finish in a place that doesn't show to see the effects of the remover when it hits the varnish,
however first try removing the finish in a place that doesn't show to see the effects of the remover when it hits the varnish,
Absolutely good advice.Gretchen
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