I can’t stand it any longer…I am beginning to loathe my General 24″ dual drum sander. The paper loosens up, it stretches, it rips, and flutters. The front drum is lower on one side than the other side in spite of what the factory says is a level front drum…the back drum requires constant figdgeting to get it to sand even and I spent 3 rolls last night trying to sand face frames and rails and stiles…all in very light passes. It’s not my technique…nor is it the way I install the paper.
Anyone want to buy this big green 1800.00 disapointment?
How long have you had it? I would go higher up the food chain at the company to see if you can get some decent service out of them.
Yep, got one of those. They take some fidgeting to get right. But I can sand down to 0.010+/-.001" all the way around a board the size of a sheet of paper.
I will be happy to try to help if I can. Let me know.
Bob A.
Edited 11/23/2004 12:23 am ET by Bob
Thanks for the note. I need to insert a thinner shim on the left side mounting bolts for the table assembly and try to level it. I am going to use 1" packing tape to help secure the right sidfe of the sander roll too. It constantly loosens up (because the forward drum grinds more on that side than the other) and then flutters, rips, and mangles.
By installing a thin shim on the left side of the table I hope to lift it even with the right side table and to the drum.
Man o man, what a pain in the neck...going through rolls of 3.00 paper like I have a lot of money to waste.
What advice can you provide? I'm all ears...
Thanks. Tom
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